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January 2018

15th - PCC Marc Jones attended a Lincolnshire Safeguarding Boards Scrutiny Sub Group meeting

25th - PCC Marc Jones attended the High Sheriff's Legal Service event

February 2018

19th - PCC Marc Jones attended the LCSB Launch of Joint Lincolnshire Protocol to reduce offending and the criminalisation of children in care

June 2018

25th - PCC Marc Jones attended an Online Threats Strategic Group Meeting with Safeguarding Partners.

29th - PCC Marc Jones attended the Greater Lincolnshire Leaders and Chief Executives Meeting

August 2018

8th - PCC Marc Jones attended a strategic meeting with with STP Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Board

21st  - PCC Marc Jones attended a public engagement event for Mac's Scam Awareness

September 2018

14th- PCC Marc Jones attended a Witham Business Forum Lunch

16th- PCC Marc Jones attended the annual Battle of Britain Commemoration Service

16th- PCC Marc Jones attended Lincolnshire War Widows Association for Afternoon tea

October 2018

5th - PCC Marc Jones attended a meeting with the Greater Lincolnshire Leaders and Chief Executives.

10th- PCC attended a lecture for the College of Policing.

10th- PCC attended an awards Ceremony for the North Kesteven Champion Awards 2018

14th- PCC attended a Lincolnshire Safeguarding Boards Scrutiny Sub Group.

22nd- PCC attended a press event for Lincoln Rough Sleeping Project.

26th- PCC Marc Jones attended a meeting for Leadership in Lincolnshire group

November 2018

7th- PCC Marc Jones attended the 'ambulance service in Lincolnshire' summit.

8th- PCC Marc Jones attended a Community Engagement event held by MP Karen Lee.

19th- PCC Marc Jones attended Lincolnshire Police road safety week launch/ project Tandem.

19th- PCC Marc Jones attended a meeting around Fingerprint scanners

22nd- PCC Marc Jones attended the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership Strategic Board.

26th- PCC Marc Jones attended the OPCC Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse conference.

29th- PCC Marc Jones had a working lunch with Cllr Christine Talbot.  

December 2018

3rd-LIVES Christmas Carol Concert

21st- PCC Marc Jones attended an online threats strategic group