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View all of the Events that DPCC Stuart Tweedale attended at Lincolnshire Police Headquarters


February 13

DPCC attended OP Revive Training for new volunteers



January 9

DPCC hosted a Cyber Crime Meeting

December 4

DPCC participated in a video with PCC for NFU

December 9

DPCC attended the Cohort 24 attestation evening



June 15 to 26

The DPCC attended the Scam Awareness Weeks.

July 14

The DPCC attended a virtual meeting regarding Fraud arising from Covid-19.

August 24

The DPCC attended a virtual Public Assurance Meeting with Lincolnshire Police.

September 21

The DPCC attended a virtual Fighting Fraud and Cybercrime in uncertain times meeting.

December 7

The DPCC attended a virtual Public Assurance Meeting with Lincolnshire Police.

The DPCC attended the PCC Fraud event in connection with the City of London Fraud team.

December 15

The DPCC attended a virtual Midlands Fraud forum meeting.




February 2 & 3

The DPCC attended a virtual Fraud Conference.

February 8

The DPCC attended a virtual APCC Fraud Portfolio meeting.

February 11

The DPCC attended a virtual NRCN Annual General Meeting.

February 24

The DPCC attended a virtual Public Assurance Meeting with Lincolnshire Police.