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Neurodiversity in the criminal justice system: A review of evidence

HMICFRS describes this inspection as follows:

"In December 2020, the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice commissioned HM Inspectorate of Prisons and HM Inspectorate of Probation, with support from HMICFRS, to undertake an independent review of neurodiversity in the criminal justice system (CJS).

The review focused on four main themes:

screening to identify neurodivergence in CJS service users;
adjustments that have been made to existing provision to support those with neurodivergent needs;
programmes and interventions which have been specifically designed or adapted for neurodivergent needs; and
training and support available to staff to help them support people with neurodivergent needs.
The report makes six short recommendations, including an overarching recommendation about coordination.

The inspectorates worked with two service user organisations to understand service users’ views. User Voice and KeyRing have produced reports that describe the lived experiences of those with neurodivergent conditions within the criminal justice system."

Read the 'Neurodiversity in the criminal justice system: A review of evidence' report here

Read the PCC's response to the 'Neurodiversity in the criminal justice system: A review of evidence' report here